Cambridge Earthquake Impact Database
Failures of structures during the October 23, 2011 Tabanlı (Van) and November 9, 2011 Edremit (Van) earthquakes in Turkey.
Mucip Tapan, Mustafa Comert, Cem Demir , Yusuf Sayan, Kutay Orakcal and Alper Ilk.
Mucip Tapan, Mustafa Comert, Cem Demir , Yusuf Sayan, Kutay Orakcal and Alper Ilk (2013). Failures of structures during the October 23, 2011 Tabanlı (Van) and November 9, 2011 Edremit (Van) earthquakes in Turkey. Engineering Failure Analysis 34 (2013) 606–628.
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